Turunc Cats Protection and Rescue Housing Association
Turunc Cats Protection and Rescue Housing Association
We fund our work from kind Donations made through a number of methods detailed on the this page. A small group of people in the village - Friends of Turunc Street Cats - also organise regular fundraising events.
If you are someone that likes online shopping, e.g. Flights, phones and fashion stuff, then you can help the cats of Turunç just by using Easyfundraising.(Sunburst icon below)
Shop as normal with over 4,200 retailers, just start your shopping journey first at easyfundraising.org.uk
Once you make a purchase, easyfundraising retailer partners will make a small donation to your chosen cause to say 'thank you'.
Shopping using easyfundraising does not add any additional cost to your purchase.
All funds raised go wholly and directly to the cats.